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Posted June 13, 2010


Tomorrow is flag day. The flag represents our great nation. Though the people of the USA make mistakes because we're human, I believe as a whole our citizens are some of the most giving people in the world who believe in freedom. To keep this country free, some of our troops are fighting in Afghanistan. They're all special. But there's one company I've adopted called the Angel Company. Yes, I and the other citizens of this country have angels watching out for us as well as over us. The Lord called Jonathon Hall home in April and I blogged about him in the article "Rendezvous With Destiny." However, a lot of my readers missed seeing the soldier in the middle of this photo holding the puppy, Minotaur, so I'm posting the picture again.

A dog lover who's taken in many strays in the past as well as purchased dogs, I thought that puppy was adorable. The guys are adorable too, but there's just something special about puppy breath. And, wouldn't you know our boys would be boys and after helping mankind, the next thing on their agenda would be to help rescue man's best friend. It's been proven that people live longer with a pet around and also, a dog helps with stress after a tough day on patrol.

Since I don't have a son or daughter serving in the military, it's difficult to even think about what they're having to deal with. Being able to see a picture of these soldiers brings it all closer to home and helps me to pray for their welfare and safe return.

When I asked for information about the puppy, I discovered there was more than one. There was a canine squad called the YAHYA KHEL ATTACK DOGS. I immediately wanted to dub them the YA YA DOGGIE HOOD!

They aren't just over there taking up space, panting, and eating army chow. They're service dogs.

Let me introduce them as Angel Company introduced them to me:

Stroke - The best fighter we have, certainly proving that it is not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. So named because his right eye and ear no longer work, or move, giving the illusion of a stroke.

Pathfinder - often breaks formation only to show up during fire fights or when we are returning back to base. The general assumption is that he is out exploring new routes and reconnoitering the positions on our flanks.

Mud Flap - The momma of the majority of our puppies, and the only adult female we own. She is the protector of the district center, keeping strange dogs from entering, ensuring that our puppies are safe. Most happy when in dirt, water, or you guessed it...mud! (My note: Gotta love a girl like that - blondes do sometimes have more fun!)

The Puppies - From left to right: Comanche, Trooper and Minotaur. These are the future of Angel Company's attack dogs, honing their skills in gentle playfulness, until they get called up to the big leagues.

My note: I'd read in the news recently that a couple of army dogs had alerted a group of soldiers to an intruder who was intent on blowing himself up along with their base camp. Before the enemy could get inside the door, the dogs had grabbed his leg, keeping him from his mission. One of the dogs didn't survive. So now I'll be praying for Angel Company's YA YA Doggie Hood too - OOPS - I mean Yahya Khel Attack Dogs.

Thanks guys for sharing about the lives of your fellow canine soldiers. And yes, I can already hear the Yahya Dogs razzing the company commander, "Tell everybody across the Big Pond to send organic doggie treats - humans can eat those too - they taste like apples!

Now that the Yahya Khel Attack Dogs are worldwide cyberspace celebrities, I hope the attention doesn't go to their heads. I've already heard through the grapevine there's a little southern gal called Duchess Tula Belle of Oxford, Mississippi - aka "Tootie" - who's sweet on Pathfinder. She loves a dawg-dude who knows how to explore new routes. She's a big girl with an even bigger heart who knows what she wants and goes after it. Maybe they can meet when he comes home on leave. Pathfinder can check out one of her portfolio photographs in my archive at the bottom of the blog under Animal Articles - "Everybody Needs a Tootie."

I'm now going to have a heart-to-heart with my own dogs. No rawhide bones until they do better at reconnoitering the positions on my flanks. I'll try to keep the territory down to a minimum though I'm not promising anything. Chocolate filled doughnuts are sounding pretty good about now and I just did a U-turn to head back to the Krispy Kreme. Their red light that signals "Hot-Uns" was flashing.

And to Angel Company - HEY YA'LL and RAKASSAN! People from 90 countries read this blog and everybody knows those back home love you guys!

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

"For He will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways." Psalm 91:11

Photo Credit: Josh Powers

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